Things to Know About Log Splitters

The vision of a campsite with the fire crackling above burning wood logs on a warm summer night can bring back wonderful memories. However, before you can recreate this scene once again you need to have firewood cut and ready to serve as the fuel for your fire. Through the use of a log splitter, you can make this happen very quickly. At L-M Equipment Co. Inc., we provide dependable and durable log splitters for sale.

Using an Electric Log Splitter

The operation of an electric log splitter is much easier than utilizing a hydraulic or manual splitter. This convenient log splitter operates via a motor carrying out all of the necessary work. The power of these splitters is supplied from an electrical power source – an electrical outlet – connected with a cord.

Know the Cycle Time

Before buying and using one of these splitters, it is important to understand the cycle time of the unit. The cycle time is the quantity of time it takes to split a piece of wood. For instance, if the log splitter is able to split wood in four seconds, then four seconds is the cycle time of the device.

Although you may come across would splitters that advertise a cycle time of two seconds, this faster cycle time may not necessarily be a feature you need. It depends on your specific requirements for splitting wood. A bigger and faster machine is not necessarily better, unless you require the capacity for larger quantities and a faster cycle time.

Homeowners who use these machines may not even be able to keep up with a two second cycle time in terms of feeding the machine at the necessary pace to keep up with its speed. A cycle time of five seconds is generally adequate for most people who need to split logs.

For information about the log splitters we offer and how they can accommodate your requirements, give us a call today at 503.235.3146 or 800.228.0793. Or, use our contact form to send us a message.